Oamaru Pop-Up Shop
As well as owner/operator of Tinch Design, Helen is the curator/coordinator for Dunedin Designed collective Store, Guild. Helen and...
Let's make Christmas Crackers together
Keen to learn to make Christmas Crackers? I'll be running a mini workshop at Guild in Dunedin Sunday 26th November. $40 per person to ma
Come on in! Home & Garden tour
Home, Studio & Garden Tour, Sunday 3rd December, Oamaru. We're opening our home and the Tinch studio as part of a public tour of 9 a
Christmas pre-order deal
Sorry to mention the C-word in September! But, Helen's finishing work soon, so the Tinch web stores and ordering services will be closed...
Maternity leave.
So, heres the thing. We're expecting our 3rd baby soon! This will quite drastically affect the busy season for us, and will need to close...
What a year! Last orders!
Well, this year has been positively bonkers for tinch - in all sorts of wonderful ways. The year's not out yet though, so let's celebrate...
Christmas order dates
Don't miss out on your tinch parcels making it under the Tree! Please check these last-order dates for guaranteed Christmas delivery....
Snap! Make your own Crackers...
Top selling at the moment are our Christmas Cracker Kit-sets! Buy a kit to cater for as many people you'll have at your Christmas party,...
Pop Up Shop
OPEN JUST 4 DAYS! We've teamed up with a colletion of other Dunedin Online retailers, to bring our wares to a joint shop for 4 days....
It's Christmas pre-order time
15% DISCOUNT | FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING | GUARANTEED XMAS DELIVERY For the last 4 years I've offered a discount to...